Insurances Accepted
Doula Coverage
Currently accepting
TRICARE Prime and Select
BCBS Federal Employees Program
Lactation Coverage
Currently accepting
Tricare Prime and Select
Additional plans through The Lactation Network. Check your coverage at
About the Tricare Childbirth and Breastfeeding Support Demonstration
Good news! TRICARE now covers doula and lactation services for eligible Prime and Select beneficiaries. This means you can get support from a certified labor doula and IBCLC during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Birth and Milk is TRICARE-authorized for both services.
Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility: You must be at least 20 weeks pregnant to receive doula services and 27 weeks pregnant to receive lactation services, receiving care from a TRICARE-authorized provider and NOT planning to give birth at a Military Treatment Facility
Up to six hours of prenatal or postpartum visits with your doula
Continuous labor support during birth.
Up to six visits with an IBCLC to help you meet your breastfeeding goals
Costs: No out of pocket cost to you!
Learn more: Visit the TRICARE website ( or contact your regional contractor.
This new benefit helps military families access crucial support for a more positive childbirth experience.